If your body is correctly aligned, your shoulders will be at the same height and facing for
Uneven shoulders occur when one shoulder is higher than the other. This can be a slight or significant difference and may be due to several causes. Luckily, there are steps you can take to bring your body back into balance and alignment.
Read on to learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for uneven shoulders.What causes uneven shoulders?
Several factors can lead to uneven shoulders. Often the shoulder on the dominant side of your body is a little lower.

Misalignments can be caused by something as simple as:
always using one hand or side of your body for writing
carrying a heavy bag
going about your daily activities
Uneven shoulders can also happen when you have structural issues or muscular skeletal imbalances in the body. This may include legs that vary in length or scoliosis.
Uneven shoulders can also be the result of an imbalance somewhere else in the body. Think of it as a domino effect. For example, if you hurt your ankle or hip, it will cause you to bring your body out of alignment as you adjust to how you hold and move your body.
Playing sports and certain injuries can cause muscular imbalances, especially in the upper body. Asymmetrical sports such as tennis, golf, and baseball are especially likely to cause uneven shoulders and postural imbalances.

Other common causes of uneven shoulders include:
poor posture
sedentary lifestyle
uneven hips
pinched nerve
flat feet
shoulder injuries
weak or tight muscles
overuse or misuse of the shoulders
incorrect sleeping position or only sleeping on one side
using one side of the body to hold objects

What are the symptoms of uneven shoulder?
If you have uneven shoulders you may experience neck, shoulder, and lower back pain, especially if you have other imbalances in the body. You may feel tightness and pulling in the shoulder that’s higher. Your shoulders may be rounded and your head may not be in line with your pelvis. Headaches, bursitis, and tendonitis may also occur.
If your shoulders are uneven due to scoliosis, you may have an uneven waist and one shoulder blade that’s more prominent than the other. One hip may also be higher than the other.
How to treat uneven shoulders
There are many ways to treat uneven shoulders.
Regular therapeutic massages help to relieve muscle tension and increase flexibility. Make an appointment with a massage therapist who specializes in myofascial release or Rolfing. These specialties focus on bringing the body into balance and alignment. You can also have treatment sessions with a chiropractor, osteopath, or physiotherapist.
It’s a good idea to engage in regular exercise and participate in sports as much as possible. Yoga, swimming, and rowing can help to strengthen and realign your body. Martial arts such as tai chi may be beneficial as well.
Make it a practice to check in with your posture continually throughout the day. It may be helpful to use a mirror. Become aware of your posture not only while you’re standing or sitting, but as you’re completing your usual activities. Start using your nondominant arm as much as you can to balance out the workload.
Incorporating relaxation techniques into your routine can help you to relieve stress, tension, and tightness in the body. This may include meditation, breathing techniques, or anything else that helps you to relax.
Exercises that can treat uneven shoulders
Doing exercises will help you to stretch and strengthen your body and shoulders. This may promote symmetrical alignment and balance in your body, help to lengthen your spine, and increase mobility. Do these exercises at least three times per week to even out your shoulders. It’s best if you can do them in a few short spurts throughout the day. You’ll need dumbbells and a resistance band for a few of the exercises.

What is the outlook for uneven shoulders?
Your shoulders won’t snap back into place immediately. However, if you commit to a course of action and are consistent in your approach, you should see results. It will probably take a few weeks to see improvements, and several months for your shoulders to be fully brought into alignment. Aim for steady progress instead of overnight success. Be consistent and patient as you make changes to bring about positive results.
See a our expert if your condition does not improve or if you have any questions about your condition and treatment.