Exercises and stretches for kyphosis Helpful Kyphosis Exercises
A healthy exercise routine that focuses on condition-specific exercises, practicing healthy posture, and chiropractic care can help patients improve their kyphosis and round back appearance
There have been studies done on the role of exercises for kyphosis in treatment, and findings suggest that when integrated into a proactive treatment plan crafted around causation, exercises that stretch and strengthen can help reduce the angle of kyphosis in the upper back.
While there are many exercises to choose between, and no exercise should be attempted without approval from a patient's treatment provider, the following are 4 helpful kyphosis exercises.
1. Mirror image

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For this exercise, simply do the opposite movement of the posture that you’re trying to correct.
- Stand tall, against a wall if needed.
- Tuck chin slightly and bring head back directly over shoulders.
- Bring shoulder blades back and down. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Take a break if you begin to feel pain.
If it’s challenging to get your head to touch the wall while maintaining a chin tuck position, put a pillow behind you and press your head into the pillow.
2. Head retraction

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This exercise is done lying on the floor and is great for the muscles of the neck that are often stretched out and weak.
- Pull chin back toward floor, as if trying to make a double chin.
- Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
3. Superman

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- Lying on stomach, extend hands in front of head.
- Keeping head in a neutral position, looking toward floor, lift both arms and legs up toward the ceiling.
- Feel as if you’re reaching far away from your body with hands and feet. Hold for 3 seconds and repeat 10 times.
4. Life extension

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The goal of this exercise is to stretch the tight muscles of the chest and strengthen the weak muscles of the back.
- Stand tall, knees soft, core engaged, chest upright, and shoulder blades back and down.
- Raise arms into a Y position with thumbs pointed behind you.
- Take 2 to 3 deep breaths, maintaining this posture on the exhale.
5. Thoracic spine foam rolling

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- Lie on the floor with a foam roller under you, across your mid-back.
- Gently roll up and down on the foam roller, massaging the muscles of your back and thoracic spine.
You can also try this with your arms extended over your head in the life extension position described above. Do this for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute.