
Pronation refers to how the foot moves from side to side when a person walks or runs. It occurs as the weight transfers from the heel to the ball of the foot as a person goes through their walking or running stride.
Pronation also occurs while standing, and in this case, pronation refers to the amount that the foot rolls inward toward the arch.
Overpronation is when the foot rolls too far inward toward the arch. Underpronation, or supination, in contrast, is when the feet roll outward.

Overpronation can happen if the arch is very flexible.
Overpronation may be caused by a fallen arch, commonly known as flat foot.
Sometimes, people are born with flat feet. However, some conditions and activities can increase the risk of developing flat feet or weakened arches, which can lead to overpronation.

Inversion of the Ankle
Tilting of the sole of the foot inwards to face medially.
This looks like you are pushing your little toes into the ground and lifting the big toe up.
The movement is occurring at the SubTalar Joint which is where the talus meets the calcaneus.
Performed by the tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior muscles.
What is overpronation?
Overpronation happens when your gait (the way you walk or run) eventually causes the arches of your feet to flatten more than they would normally. That puts strain on muscles, tendons and ligaments that support your arches. Overpronation increases the risk you’ll injure your foot and leg. But you can correct the problem with exercise and by adding orthotic insoles to your shoes.
Who is likely to develop overpronation?
People who have slightly flattened feet are more likely to develop overpronation. Other conditions or activities are:
Having obesity.
Running or walking on hard surfaces for long periods.
What is the difference between overpronation and flat feet (flat foot?)
Overpronation refers to your gait, or the way you walk, which can cause flat feet. Flat feet (flat foot) is a medical condition when you have little to no arch in your foot. Flat feet can be hereditary or develop over time.

Treatment options
Most people do not need treatment for flat feet, but the following options may helpTrusted Source manage pain and reduce the chance of an injury:
choosing supportive or motion control shoes, also known as overpronation shoes
using orthotics
managing pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
managing weight through diet and exercise, if appropriate
surgery, in some cases
doing exercises that strengthen the arches and muscles around them
A person with overpronation should choose supportive shoes, especially for activities that involve repeated foot strikes, such as running or walking.
The person should choose shoes that offer extra support and stability to minimize the impact of each step.
Features of supportive shoes for people with overpronation include:
checking that the shoe has a strong and inflexible heel counter, the hard piece in the back that stops the foot moving from side to side
choosing shoes with a dense midsole, as it will uphold the arch
opting for a wide base of support for the middle of the foot to prevent the arch collapsing inward

How The viyanacare can help you
 you will know that your feet need good care all the time, and proper foot healthcare looks at the bigger picture. Your feet are connected to the function of your knees, hips and lower back, and as sport expert we build better bodies from your feet up.

At The viyanacare, our team of experienced, enthusiastic and highly qualified  has worked with numerous professional sports athletes and recreational sport lovers. We will be happy to assess your foot pronation, provide advice on useful exercises to adjust anything that sits outside the normal range, and help you with the choice of footwear depending on how, when and where you run.

So if you have any questions about foot pronation, please come and see us at The viyanacare site.